Thursday, January 15, 2015

Chimney Cell Tower

Good morning,

What do you do with an old chimney other than tear it down?  You turn it into a cell phone tower.

This one is just a few miles from where we live.  Works for me!
I took today's pictures while we were out on a shopping trip near home.  It's deep in the winter and the sky is a cold, cold blue.  The shot above shows snow clouds middle right, too.

Ah, yes, Spring, I am ready for you!



  1. You can probably use it as a chimney and a cell phone tower at the same time. There's a water tower in Maryland just loaded up with antennas of all sorts!

  2. i like when they don't erect a new one and use what's available. :)

  3. I am so anxious for cannot get here too soon for me.

  4. That is a good idea! We have a couple of cell phone towers here that have been disguised as very tall pine trees.


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