Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Horse Travel or Traveling Horses

Good morning,

We were following two horses going down the road....

Ok, the truck in which they were riding was going down the road.  We watched this view of the horses for awhile in traffic.  I felt I had gotten to know them well enough to take a picture so I could remember them in years to come.  ;)

All the best,


  1. Glad you made it home in time to see the old year out and welcome in the new one, Lois. Enjoy the quiet time at home.

  2. Oh, a picture from a different direction that your norm....thanks for the giggle. May your days continue to be merry and bright.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I always wondered what horses thought of riding in the wagon? Dogs love it, cats hate it, horses seem indifferent.

  5. too cute. :) i always worry about them in traffic accidents...

  6. An unusual image for a funny post...

  7. An unusual image for a funny post!


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