Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Texas Road House Early Dinner

Good morning,

One of the nice things that we do when we go visiting with my brother and his wife is to go out to eat.  We can enjoy the time together without anyone doing all the work and no one has to do the dishes. It isn't terribly exciting, but above is the view from our table.
I can't pass up showing you pictures of food.  This is a small portion of rare prime rib. 




  1. yum.... it is 11:30am and I had a bagel for breakfast but still my mouth watered at this picture.

  2. Fun place ~ not a 'meat eater' ~ so will enjoy the baked potato! ~ Thanks for visiting ~ Happy Week to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. The prime rib looks great! Except you're missing your green vegetable!

  4. Mark, We had a huge salad that disappeared before I could take a picture. ;)

    Tex, I agree. Those rolls are heavenly. :)

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by.

  5. I ate vegetarian for a while in my youth, more because beans were a lot cheaper than meat as a grad student, and I don't eat a LOT of meat. . then I see that picture.


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