Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Grillmeister

Good morning,

My Honey was in charge of the grill for some wonderful steaks. 
After marinating them in oil and spices, it was time to enjoy the wonderful aromas as they were grilled...
...and we all anticipated the meal to come.
Erik spent some time on Catherine's lap where he had a good view of the grill...
...then Wendy scrambled up for some cuddle time. 

Ah, yes, summer.  The only thing I would love to be without is the mosquitoes!



  1. Oh, that Wendy is just adorable! That last picture brought a smile to my face. I tried to show it to Morgan, but she wasn't interested!

  2. Wendy is always there for some cuddling. :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. i bet he enjoys having some grilling time and place! :)

  4. Fun shots of your family, fur family too. The last shot is adorable!

  5. It looks yummy!And it looks like you had a good family and dog time while waiting for the steaks to be ready!

  6. Nothing quite as good as steaks on the grill!

  7. He looks like he was having a great time. We just got a new grill but as yet no steaks have been grilled. Hubby should give that a try soon because it's almost time to put the grill away for the winter.


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