Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Smoked Pork Tenderloins

Good morning,

My Honey is the king of the grill as far as I am concerned.

Above are pork tenderloins that have been marinated, seasoned, and wrapped in bacon before being smoked.

My goodness, this was good!

Who does the grilling in your family?



  1. These look delicious.....but.....you have to tell us HOW your Honey did it, not just show us WHAT he did!!!!

  2. My dad and I do the grilling here. These look good. Would love to see a after image (or maybe they went away too quickly)!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I'll bet it was fabulous! Neither my husband nor I have ever grilled. My brother and his sons all grill, and our daughter and her husband are both grill masters. So there ya go . . .

  4. You can't go wrong with bacon! I don't do much grilling any more.

  5. It is almost 5 PM here, and I am really hungry now!

  6. Neat idea!!! Both of us grill but we do either hamburgers or steak, whoever feels up to it.. This is a keeper and perhaps I will surprise, lol...

  7. My mom used to wrap them in bacon. So good!

  8. Looks good! I guess you'd have to say our grilling is a joint project, as I do the inside prep and then Marty is in charge of the grill. That's as close to cooking as he gets!


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