Saturday, April 26, 2014

Red Bouquet Survival

Good morning,

These wonderful tulips have survived in a very small piece of ground between our fence and driveway for 35 years.  All the rest of the row I planted so many years ago have long stopped appearing in the Spring.

Survival of the fittest for sure!

It is so wonderful to be home in the Spring to enjoy all of these flowers.

Happy Spring,


  1. Spring brings life anywhere is the plant.


  2. I had a half dozen or so of beautiful red tulips in my front yard that lasted long enough for the deer to find them. That was before I realized tulips make a great snack for deer.

  3. Lois, I'm so happy to hear from you and especially to share your beautiful flowers!! I am only back on blogspot temporarily...there have been issues with typepad and I'm happy that I had my old place to fall back on....sending many, many good wished to you and your family x

  4. And the Badgers, they are fond taste of Tulips, yummy. Excellent Tulips.

  5. Such a lovely gift every Spring, these beautiful red tulips :-)


  6. Beautiful! Here in Stavanger we had summer today, a wonderful day!

  7. Tough little buggers aren't they. Amazing that they keep on going.

  8. Nice to have something you planted so long ago still producing. I really wish tulips and daffodils would survive our winters, but I make do with bunches of them from the store.


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