Monday, December 16, 2013

These Can Wait

Good morning,

It's a good thing we split plenty of logs already...
...because these aren't going to be split today.
We have plenty to have warm fires for the rest of the season.

After I took these pictures I took in logs and built a comfy fire and settled in front of it with my knitting.  This is my kind of winter vacation.  :)

All the best,


  1. Just what you need to get you in the Christmas spirit!

  2. Knitting in front of a warm fire - does it get any better than that for you? Wonderful!!

  3. When I saw your thumbnail photo I wasn't sure what I was seeing. lol I think you have enough to do you for now. The pictures of the logs are pretty with their winter white hats on. Enjoy the cozy fire.

  4. that's a very good blanket. glad you are prepared.

  5. Ha! In looking at the first picture, I couldn't figure out what was under the snow! Your hard work at splitting and stacking wood has paid off!

  6. You really have had a lot of snow! Although it will be nice to have a white Christmas. (something I miss now that we live in Arizona)

  7. Having wood split and ready to burn is like having money in the bank. Stay warm and dry.

  8. They look so cold and frozen!

  9. In your area, the snow usually doesn't linger. Give it one more day or two . . .

  10. We have a gas rather than wood burring fireplace, but lighting it while we watch favorite Christmas movies is just as enjoyable. Glad you have a lot of wood available for more cosy days inside knitting, Lois.


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