Saturday, October 12, 2013

Questions and Answers on the Pool Deck and on the Royal Promenade

Good morning,

A couple of weeks ago I showed you images of the Question and Answer event with the Executive Team on the Pool Deck of Freedom of the Seas.  This week the entire Executive Team was there.  What fun!

It is hard to hear on the pool deck, though, with the kids running and splashing in the pool and people taking to each other, but this is a great event.  
The following week the Question and Answer event was held inside on the Royal Promenade in front of Bull & Bear.
 This team does a great job of answering questions AND mugging for the camera.  ;)
 It's always fun at sea wherever the events are held.



  1. Looks like a better place to hear what's going on.

  2. And, there among that smartly dressed group of officers was that distinguished looking gent who is always following you with camera in hand, Lois.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. You will find the answers right here in the comments section.