Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Waffles and Ice Cream Treat

Good morning,

Yes, I know I have shown you these before, but this is a new one.  ;)

We just love Saturdays!  That's the day we gather with friends to enjoy Norwegian Waffle Cakes with ice cream, strawberry topping, and whipped cream.  Norwegian Brown Cheese is also very good with these.

I would enjoy a few more Saturdays in the week!



  1. Fabulous post, Lois. That looks so good!

  2. My waffles tonight came out of the toaster, after a long stint at work, I was too tired to cook anything.

    Those look yummy!!

  3. I hope this is for you and all your friends to share. It is HUGE!

  4. Looks delicious! I would love to try some Norwegian anything!!


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