Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mommy! Feed Me!

Good morning,

We have had a great deal of wind and rain lately.  I believe a few baby birds would have spent a little longer in the nest if the wind hadn't pushed their departure into the big bad world.

The little guy in the image above was giving directions to his mom to bring food!  I took that image through the dining room french doors.
The is the scene through the living room french doors on the other side of the porch.  They are hard to see, but there are two adult sparrows there discussing fighting over a piece of bread.  I'm sure one was that babe's mom.  She had been bringing him bugs and other treats for quite some time as he made plenty of noise telling her, "Hurry up, Mom!"
You can see Mr. Squirrel at the bird feeders, too.  It's a neighborhood picnic!

All of these images were taken through two panes of glass and a screen.  Not too bad considering....

I hope this rain stops pretty soon or we'll soon have the Ohio River running past our front door!

All the best,


  1. Cute pictures Lois. Every year sparrows build a nest in our carport...not just once but twice! They raise one family, then later another. Fun to watch but not to clean up after. Blessings, Marlene

  2. Poor little thing...hope it stays out of harms way! We have a pair of sparrows in our bird box...they are working on their second brood!

  3. I think it's time to mow your yard.

  4. C'mon up, Mark! I'll show you where the lawn mower is. Catherine will appreciate the help.

  5. Lots of Sparrows here too, and lots of Grackles. They're my nemesis. We've had a few Black-headed Grosbeaks as well.

  6. Not too bad at all...was just sitting here watching a squirrel out my window, too.

  7. Demanding little guy!

    We've finally got some rain, and hopefully it will be enough for them to get a handle on the wildfire not far from town.


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