Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Good morning,

The giraffes at the Brevard Zoo in Viera, Florida, have a wonderful enclosure without bars. 
We had a fantastic photo safari as we watched and captured images of these beautiful creatures.
They put on quite a show for us, too.
We arrived at feeding time...
 ...and everyone knew exactly what time it was!
 We humans on the observation deck were at just the right height to carry on a conversation. 
 Yum!  The good stuff is straight up.

 The keeper is here with lunch. 

 May I have some, too?

 Is the grass greener on the other side?
 The giraffe exhibit was the highlight of our zoo visit.



  1. I love these graceful creatures. You got some wonderful photos.

  2. Those are great pictures! I'd like to go there on the giraffe-head-high-platform.

  3. so cute! looks like they enjoy themselves there.

  4. Oh, what a great series, Lois! I so enjoyed them. Lorelei got to feed the giraffes at the Indianapolis zoo, but was over and done so quick Sarah did not get a pic.

  5. I have seen giraffes only a few times and only in zoos. Your pictures of these gracious animals are amazing!

  6. Giraffes have always been my favorite. Something aout those skinny legs and muscular frame. Truly on of God's finest!

  7. Giraffes have always been my favorite. Something aout those skinny legs and muscular frame. Truly on of God's finest!

  8. Great pictures, I love giraffes too, they are so unique and graceful. Hope all is well with you, :D

  9. These are really awesome photos. How fun to be up close to these amazing animals!

  10. Wonderful series! That looks like a fantastic habitat for the giraffes.

  11. My daughter Susie is mad about giraffes. Whenever she sees them, she starts to giggle. Did you know that giraffes have blue tongues?


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