Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Action in the Trees

Good morning,

Continued from yesterday's post, this series of images is of The Tree People removing the second tree of four a few days ago.  These first two trees were growing very close to our neighbor's home so we had them removed before any damage could happen.  
That's the neighbor's roof where the men are working.
These guys are amazing!  You wouldn't believe how fast all of this happens.
This shot gives you a better perspective.

 Pieces of the tree were removed until the tree was short enough to cut near the ground and pull over without causing any damage below.
 These are really strong guys.  I can't believe how they lift these things so easily.
 He tossed that log into our driveway.
 The tree climber, left, then swung over to the next batch of trees along our driveway... be continued...

All the best,


  1. There is a method to the madness...very interesting to watch a tree being cut down.

  2. They probably have a nice firewood business going on the side.

  3. Perhaps they do, Mark, but we keep the wood from our trees. The Tree People cut it in fireplace lengths, we split and stack it. We had them move all the wood to our back yard where we will work on it when the weather is a bit cooler. We're still burning wood from the catalpa tree they brought down three years ago. The tree people probably have a great business in wood chips that they take away by the truck load.

  4. that is a serious hunk of log he's tossing about!

  5. Several years back, there was a huge tree that - believe it or not - was on the corner of three lots! Mine and two neighbors. An old retired man across the street spent a lot of time sitting in his front yard. One day he told us, "Do you realize that tree is hollow inside?" I thought this man was delusional. But he wasn't. We're talking a HUGE tree well over 50 ft high! So we had it cut down right away. I have no idea what supported that tree. I could have crawled inside the trunk!

  6. I didn't imagine that cutting a tree so near to a building was so difficult. Luckily they seem to be very careful...

  7. They have the whole process down to a fine art.

  8. You clearly made a very good choice in tree removal services. Those guys look like real professionals.

  9. I grew up in a logging town. At the 4th of July celebrations there were tremendous poles put up and men were judged by how quickly they could get up and down, 200 hundred feet in the air, they looked. That takes not just courage, but talent. These young men did well!


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