Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yummy Filipino Fish

Good morning,

This is a little different today from the usual food pictures I publish.  ;)

We are very lucky to know many people of different backgrounds so we learn about customs and foods other than our own.

This is fish prepared by Filipino friends of ours who were kind enough to share some with us.  You can see it is the whole fish except for the head (oh thank you for removing the head!) that has been fried.  Our friends eat the whole thing, but after trying that, I decided to use a fork and go for the tender meat inside. 

Do you like to try different things?  We sure do. 



  1. It might taste good, but it looks terrible!

  2. i can't say i'm much of a fish eater.

  3. I am an adventurist eater, but I can't say that looks appealing.

  4. I do. But I'm not a fish eater!


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