Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Arcadia Theater

Good morning,

I happened to walk through the back of the Arcadia Theater aboard Freedom of the Seas when the lights were on so I snapped a few pictures to show it to you.
This is the theater where the big production numbers are performed.  Also, new release 3D movies and other events are held here.
The Arcadia Theater seats 1,350 guests, approximately the same number of passengers housed on three 747 airplanes. 

What I like is that the view is excellent from every seat. 



  1. Wow, that is a beautiful theatre Lois! And it's so large too. And it's on a cruise ship!! Have a great day! Pam

  2. Every post you post, every picture, makes me think: "wouldn't it be cool to scuba dive through there!"

  3. That is really a beautiful theatre!!

  4. One of the things I enjoy looking at most are the curtains in the theaters. Freedom has one of the best.


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