Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Faithful Friend and Assistant

Good morning,

Is this pure relaxation or what?  That's our Penny, my faithful assistant as I clean out the fireplace, load the dishwasher, do the laundry, cook meals, knit, crochet, sleep....

She is always nearby, usually very quietly and without fanfare keeping me company.

What a sweetheart.  I love her so much. 



  1. What a lovely post! Only one who has owned a loving and loyal dog could really understand. I'm making progress with Morgan. At 6 months, I'm proud to say she allowed me to eat my breakfast this morning without jumping into my plate!

  2. Awe, she looks like such a sweetheart. Our Sadie can't be very far from us and right now she's at my feet as I'm typing this.

  3. adorable! even though i have 4 big dogs of different kinds, it is baron, the black lab, that prefers to be inside by me most...

  4. What an awesome assistant you have! Our two dogs are always nearby, ready to give us unconditional love!

  5. Nothing quite like the love of a dog...or even a cat for that matter. Cats just show it in a different way.

  6. It must be exhausting trying to keep up with you. No wonder she needs a little nap.

  7. Lois, She looks very relaxed! Makes me want to curl up on the sofa, only, they are watching the Super Bowl. :)


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