Thursday, January 31, 2013

We Love Leftovers

Good morning,

We love leftovers.  Sometimes the second night is even better the the first.  Recently we had leftover night and had two comfort food favorites.

Above is sausage soup:  sausage, bacon, potatoes, turnips, carrots, celery, onions, water, salt, pepper all in quantities you want to add them.  That translates to:  "what you have available."  ;)  My Honey made this, we ate lots and lots, then had a little left over.
And, this is another comfort food: beef stew.  It's the usual, beef, potatoes, carrots, celery, garlic, onion, tomato sauce, salt, pepper. 

We didn't have enough left over from the two previous nights for two servings of either one of these so heated them both and shared both. 

With a little fresh bread, this was a wonderful leftover treat. 

Do you like leftovers?


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hawaii - All Good Things Must Come to an End

Good morning,

Finally, after a great trip to Hawaii, Catherine and her friend took these last images at the airport.  They stopped for a cheeseburger,
...enjoyed the decor...
...had a beer...
...and did a little shopping before getting on the plane for a long flight back to the mainland.

Thank you, Catherine, and Aloha.

 We have enjoyed your images.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Under the Sea - Hawaii

Good morning,

Catherine and her friend made one last trip to the beach during their trip to Hawaii.  In addition to enjoying museums and good food, Catherine likes to snorkel.
These are her images taken while she was snorkeling.

 This is so much fun.  I feel like we are on the trip with her.

Thanks again, Catherine, for sharing your images.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Goldfish and Koi - Hawaii

Good morning,

Today's images are more courtesy of our daughter, Catherine.
She and a friend enjoyed a trip to Hawaii and were nice enough to share her images with us.
We have a self-sustaining year round pond in our back yard and always enjoy seeing beautiful pond fish everywhere we find them.

 The fish on the left in the above image is very similar to one we have in our back yard pond now.

Thanks again, Catherine, for sharing your images.  This is fun!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hawaii - Military Museum

Good morning,

During Catherine's visit to Hawaii she not only visited beaches and great restaurants, she and her friend visited museums.

My husband and I also enjoy museums and the records of history that we find there.

 I have a few more of Catherine's images of Hawaii to come.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hawaii - Shopping, Flowers, and Food

Good morning,

Catherine took the picture above of the Walmart store in Hawaii to give me a smile.  It did!  Actually, I was looking for snowman buttons for a project I was working on at the time and she found them for me in Hawaii.  Go figure!
It is so nice to see flowers while it is so cold here in Ohio.

This is another shot for me.  My Honey and I always stop at Ihop for our first meal when we leave the ship after many weeks there.  It's tradition.
Orchids....  Beautiful.  And, note there are a couple of little ants enjoying that flower, too.
It appears this fellow's trunk has often been rubbed for luck.
Ooooh, fresh sushi.
More of Catherine's Hawaii images tomorrow.  Thanks for sharing, Catherine.  This is fun!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Waikiki, Hawaii

Good morning,

Our daughter, Catherine, went to Hawaii a few weeks ago and has shared her images of her trip.
These pictures look very good to me right now while it is very cold and grey here in Ohio.

Oooooh, flowers!
Don't forget the sun screen!

More Hawaii images to come....


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is This Legal in Kentucky?

Good morning,

This won't be a pleasant post, but I have to ask the question:  Is this legal in Kentucky?

See that red truck up there?  Look carefully and you'll see two dogs in the back.  They are loose, wandering around the back of the truck moving about 70 mph in 28 degree F weather. 
They are fairly large dogs and we could tell by the white on the face of the black one and the way they both moved that they were both old dogs.
This is in Northern Kentucky where the traffic was moderate to heavy.
The truck is on an exit ramp here.  We could only hope the dogs would be rescued from their dangerous situation soon.

Does anyone know if this is legal in Kentucky?
