Friday, December 7, 2012

All Tied Up in Falmouth, Jamaica

Good morning,

Here are a few more pictures of our arrival aboard Freedom of the Seas when we tied up across the dock from Allure of the Seas.
It is fascinating to watch the men handle the lines that will hold our huge ship against the dock.
These men are walking out to the mooring platform.
The lines at the top of the image are lines from Allure of the SeasFreedom of the Seas lines will be tied up on the side of the mooring platform closest to the camera.
Amazing size perspective, isn't it!  Those men are pulling in lines that will hold our ship in place at the dock.
 I am taking pictures from Deck 10.
 And, finally, we are tied up.  I am standing on Freedom of the Seas;  that is Allure of the Seas across the dock.  Allure is the largest cruise ship in the world.  Freedom was largest until Allure was launched about a year ago.

More ship pictures to come....



  1. You don't often get to see this side of things. It's fascinating. Thanks Lois and have a great weekend!

  2. It's amazes me Lois, how they stay afloat! they are so huge and have to weigh am amazing amount. Boggles the mind! great shots! Merry Christmas!!...debbie

  3. I have never been on a cruise ship. These photos are fascinating. I can not get over the size of this ships! Holy cow!

  4. Agree with Debbie, boggles the mind.......

  5. Oh, the guys just look so small...I know the cruise ship is huge, but this really puts it in perspective....

  6. that is pretty amazing to think you're moored like that!

  7. I've never gotten up early enough to see this. How do the lines get from the ship's hull to the mooring platform?

  8. Barbara - There is a lighter weight line with a weight on the end that is tossed by a member of the deck crew to the dockside. That lighter weight line is picked up by the dockside worker who pulls it, attached to the mooring line, to the shore. It's still done the old fashioned way.

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by and for your kind comments.



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