Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet Little Robin

Good morning,

This sweet little robin was outside the window of a restaurant where we were eating. 
It kept banging up against the window, we understand because it saw its reflection.
Eventually, after about 15 minutes it moved away.  It was quite distressing for all of us inside the restaurant and someone even tried to shoo it away, but it refused to give up its quest to get to that robin in the window.

Sad, but with a happy ending.



  1. That's cute and funny!
    Love Di ♥

  2. They are certainly attracted to their own reflection.

  3. You never know what you're going to be able to photograph! Cool post, Lois.

  4. Poor little fella! Glad he didn't hurt himself.

  5. I have witnessed Cardinals doing the same thing. Glad he moved on! Have a great day.

  6. I just cringe when a bird hits the window...would not have been fun to see it do it over and over.

  7. American Robin wanting some food, have you got any?

  8. Looks like he was a slow learner, but at least he finally gave up.

  9. Welcome home, folks, and yes, Lois, it didn't surprise me at all to see you were back to doing one of your favorite things, baking bread.

  10. whoops posted that last comment to the wrong post...the robin was sweet too :-)


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