Friday, September 14, 2012

Needlework Update - September, 2012

Good morning,

Here it is another month and time for another Needlework Update again.  I have been traveling, but that hasn't kept me from knitting and crocheting.  ;)  Above is a set of six luggage ID tags.  These have been spoken for, but I have others in our on line store.
Octopus!  I made these five critters for a friend who has five grandchildren.  :)  These are also available in the store.
More large (fits a man's hands, too) double thick pot holders available in wheat (above) and green...
...and some wine bottle covers.
 This little puppy sweater (Boys size 4-6) was in the store, but has been sold and shipped.
 "My Little Sailboat" sweater is in the store at this writing.
 I've been playing around developing bear and puppy faces.  The one on the right went with...
 ...this special order puppy sweater (a smaller size than the one in the earlier image above), hat, toy set in size 12 months that has also been sold and shipped. 
 And, here is something new in the shop. This one is so precious and has to be held in your hands to truly appreciate it.  The flower basket is a pocket, the flower on the sweater has a bee and the flower on the hat has a butterfly.  And, you can't miss the lady bug buttons.  ;)  This is a perfect outfit for baby's photo shoot!  This set is size 12 months.

Some of these items have been sold, but many are still available in our on line shop,

So, that's what I have made this month.  I wish I could knit and crochet as fast as I think of new things to make.  :)

Also just in the shop are seam rippers with turned wood handles made by My Honey.  I'll have images of them in the next needlework update next month, but you can see them in the shop now.  :)

What are you making now?  I love seeing all of the knit, crochet, and quilting projects on your blogs.

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.  ;)

All the best,


  1. Oh, my you have been busy...I love that last sweater.

  2. Hi Lois...All I can say is cute cute have busy fingers !! : }

  3. oh my gosh, your children's sweaters and caps are adorable!

  4. I am not an expert, but it really seems you are very good at this! Love the five critters!

  5. You are a busy lady! Such wonderful things you make!

  6. All lovely creations and these make me wish our grands were you get or that we knew friends with young ones. Very beautiful work, Lois.

  7. oh my, you have been busy! And sounds like you are selling on Etsy!, awesome.


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