Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Need a New Camera?

Good morning,

I've been taking plenty of pictures of Freedom of the Seas and sharing them here.  I have both a Canon PowerShot SX 260 HS and a Canon 50D.  I rarely leave our stateroom without the PowerShot in my pocket because it is so easy to carry.  In fact, I had it with me when I passed through the camera department and took this picture with it.  ;)

You can purchase professional pictures taken by the photography staff on board or buy your own new camera.  The photo staff can also demonstrate and teach how to use the cameras.  Friends of ours were recently on board who had purchased a camera here.  They knew what camera they wanted before they came and found the price of that camera to be excellent compared to what they could get back home.  That sounds like a win-win to me!

All the best,


  1. OH! I'd like to spend an hour or so there!!! ...debbie

  2. That would be nice to have a new camera and have someone explain how it works who isn't rushing to the next customer. ;0

  3. nice to know they are priced competitively!

  4. My I had no idea you could buy cameras on the cruise! I love camera stores.

  5. I've purchased a couple of new cameras when I've been traveling, but not because the price was better. My little cameras seem to jump out of my hands, and something about the hard ground makes them inoperable. However, so many advances are made in a couple of years that it hasn't been too painful to upgrade.


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