Tuesday, December 6, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

The title says it all.  :)


  1. Thanks for your visit. I must say, I love the photo of the dog. He/she looks so much like one we had, we named Cuddles. We got her as a puppy, and she lived for 22 years. It was really a heart breaking day when we finally had to have her put to sleep.

  2. Somebody looks mighty comfy! I like the throw in the background. Love the header! ...debbie

  3. I agree! When I'm drinking my coffee in the early morning and Molly crawls in my lap with those loving eyes looking at me, I consider myself a very lucky person to be alive!

  4. Aww, what a cute shot and you're right about that.

  5. So cute! My furry babies are doing the same thing.

  6. Aw, so sweet! She looks so content!

  7. Hi Everyone,

    Yes, Penny sure is the queen of the house. She's so good and looks so disgusted when her friend (our other dog) Erik gets into trouble. She looks at me and I can just hear her saying, "Kids!"

    Debbie, the afghan in the background was made in the '70's for my Mom. She died in 1985 and when my Dad moved in with us in the early 90's the afghan came full circle back here. I have a number of them in the living room so everyone can have one when we are cuddled up watching TV. :) Those afghans wear like iron!

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by and for your kind comments. :)


  8. AMEN to that one! We had fun in Utah with the kids for Thanksgiving, but believe you me, there really IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!

  9. I totally agree...the older I get the more I like being home.

  10. How sweet is this! I'd say that is a lucky little sweetie pie!


  11. He looks well looked after and possibly hard to shift from that spot. I am unsure what an afghan is?. Is it the sofa or lounge?

  12. Give her en klem/ a hug from me!:)


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