Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Comfort Food, Wine, and Roses

Good morning,

Ah, yes, home again.

That's real comfort food up there.  It was my turn to make dinner.

That is a meatcakes (Norwegian term for meat balls) dinner with mashed potatoes (served just boiled, not mashed in Norway), green peas (in Norway they are mashed as we mash potatoes in the States), my home made cranberry sauce in the middle, and salad (no different in Norway  ;) .)

All the flavors of true comfort food.  *sigh* 

 It is even better with a glass of wine.

Note the beautiful turned-wood bottle stopper.  My Honey made that one and several others since we came home from the high seas last month.

And, to complete the perfect dinner setting is a bouquet of roses My Honey gave me for my birthday.  :)

Home Sweet Home.

All the best,


  1. It's a real pity that my home is so far from you.
    I'm sure the food was very good.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  2. Dinner looks delicious, and the roses are gorgeous!

  3. Hey, that looks mighty good. Haven't seen or heard of that wine: Talus. Must be good right? We had a German white wine with dinner last night - a Reisling from Germany which I like very much. (RELAX - blue bottle) ...debbie

  4. YUM to every thing on that plate! YUM to the wine! great wine stopper! and gorgeous roses, lois!!! nice!!!

  5. Wine and roses, so sweet! That supper looks yummy too.

  6. I am just ready for dinner, but sadly I have nothing like that this evening!

  7. Dinner sounds yummy. I lover the bottle stopper. I will have to show my husband as he's a wood turner. :)

  8. Your meal looks simply delish! Comfort food for sure!

  9. Happy Birthday! Looks like a wonderful celebration!!!!


  10. Red roses! Yea!!!

    Keep him, keep him!!

  11. Happy birthday!!!! And there is nothing like home cooking!


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