Thursday, November 3, 2011

Freedom of the Seas in Cozumel, Mexico

Good morning,

Cozumel, Mexico, is a port of call for Freedom of the Seas
The weather was wonderful!  There was a gentle breeze and very moderate temperature which is welcome here.  We remember some very, very hot visits to Cozumel.
We took a cab "downtown" to the plaza.  No, that's not us in the above image.  We were in the third row of seats in this van cab.  Cost of cab fare each way for the two of us was $7.  To keep things simple it is now $7 for every cab ride anywhere you want to go in Cozumel.
There are many street artists practicing their art and selling it on the spot.
 And, of course, there are the bars.  I have taken pictures of this one many times over the years.  It is on the corner of the public square.
 There are more shops than there are people shopping.  This image was taken about Noon when in previous visits here there were thousands of people roaming the streets. 
 There were six cruise ships in port, yet the public square is nearly empty.  People were either on tours or electing to stay on board at this port.
 Current events in Mexico could be part of the problem for the store owners.  Or, perhaps some of the cruisers opted to do their shopping at the stores closer to the ship.
 We returned to the ship for lunch. 

We will be in Cozumel again in two weeks when our daughter will be on board.  More pictures to come!



  1. Too bad that their were not more customers in the square. Nice pics.

  2. I had so much fun shopping in Cozumel, but those cab rides. Scary!!!
    Love Di ♥

  3. i guess the economy hits tourist spots too. :)

  4. Hope Cozumel is not hurting too much. When we were there about 25 years ago we rented a motor bike.

  5. Don't believe I'd want to be in Mexico these days. Too scary.

  6. Hi Everyone,

    Yes, Mona, I think it is the press Mexico is getting about their drug problems that is keeping visitors away even more than a slow economy. This is so very sad for those who just want to make a living with their stores and restaurants.

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by and for your kind comments.



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