Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lunch at Mojo's - St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

Good morning,

If you are a regular reader you know we enjoy local restaurants.  This one is right at the port in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.
What a fun local place!
Wonderful aromas from this restaurant drift across Havensight Mall so we were literally drawn in to eat here.
We chose the barbeque chicken.  Today they were out of potato salad so we had macaroni salad and slaw.
As we left we walked around the outside of the straw hut restaurant and saw the next batch of chicken legs being grilled.

Yum!  I'm sure we'll be back.  ;)



  1. looks delish, Im not an american so this may be a stupid question but what is jerk sauce. I may have even read it wrong.

  2. Wow, that looks like a great place. Heather knows not to ask my what I want for dinner. I can't get enough of grilled chicken.

  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, looks luscious!!! Ummmmm, did you happen to bring home a doggie bag? Care to share some of those leftovers? Wow....I drool.

  4. Hi Angela,

    Jerk Sauce is a sauce made with very hot Jamaician spices. I avoid it. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by.


  5. We love BBQ. Looks like a great place!

  6. Now that looks like a place I would love to visit...YUM! My hubby would love the jerk sauce especially if it's hot and spicy.

  7. There is nothing like a one of a kind, local place for the best food and service. I'll take them any day over the big chain restaurants.

  8. Have to say, I am a vegetarian, so I can't look at them, sorry Lois.

  9. I would happily try everything there!

  10. I want to be there and out of this dang snow, lol.... LJ

  11. That BBQ chicken looks GREAT! y'all are really getting around. Love the photos.

  12. What an interesting little eatery! Hope you saved me one of those chicken legs, they look delish!


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