Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mordecai Lincoln Home

Good morning,

We saw a sign on the main highway to the Lincoln Homestead Kentucky State Park so went to take a look.  As you saw in yesterday's post, the first thing we found was a beautiful golf course.  I'm sure it wasn't there in the time of the Lincolns in this area.
 This is the home of Mordecai Lincoln, uncle to the President of the United States.  We passed this place on the two lane highway, then came back to take a look and get some pictures when we realized it was part of the Lincoln Heritage trail.  It's a beautiful home.
We were the only people here and the home wasn't open, but we could see through the windows that there are many displays about the family who lived here.  I didn't see a sign of open hours, but we were here in the middle of the week;  perhaps the home is open on weekends.  I am impressed that the home is so large and well built.
It is wonderful that these homes and sites are preserved.  The home looks like a beautiful place to live even today.  I'm so glad we stopped.
 This is an enlargement of the time line on the sign.

After visiting here, we went back down the road the way we had come and took another Y in the road to visit the home of President Lincoln's mother.

More Lincoln Homestead images coming tomorrow.  I hope you'll join us.



  1. I agree, it is nice to see these places maintained for future generations. I would love to see inside too!

  2. It is a lovely place. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  3. Hi Sherry,

    Tomorrow I'll have a post about more of the Lincoln Homestead. We did get into those homes and I have plenty of images from them. It is all so very fascinating.

    I agree it is so important to maintain this history. I think the fees from that fancy golf course (recent post) on the Lincoln Homestead probably pay some of the maintenance fees for the property.

    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.


  4. Thanks Lois
    I love touring with you.

  5. never just answered my question...I want to see inside!

  6. What a lovely old home! Can't wait to see more of these photos Lois. Just left Kjell's blog and his photos of the village. I would love to visit this place!

  7. i wonder if they have ghosts there?

  8. Hi Lois...thanks for the history lesson and walking me through history and places i probably will never see!!


  9. I did not expect this...I figured a log cabin. A small log cabin at that. This is beautiful...wish you could have gotten inside.

  10. did not realize the strong ties he had to KY. :)

  11. Rose, I didn't expect this, either.

    Tomorrow's images and the day after are of the homestead where his mother lived. Those cabins are more of what I expected, but are much larger. There are a couple of large ones in the group with second floors and one had rooms added on the back.

    I really love the items that are inside the homes in tomorrow's images. There are weaving looms, etc., that were very exciting to me.


  12. Quite a prosperous looking house for the time. Too bad you couldn't go inside.

  13. Beautiful home. Did you know that the Lincoln Trail goes through our town as well. He argued one of his first court cases in our courthouse just three blocks from my home and won!
    Love Di ♥


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