Saturday, August 20, 2011

Red, White, and Blue on Ohio Route 52

Good morning,

Here's a fun image that I got as we drove past at about 45 mph.

This is on the North side of the Mason-Dixon Line, just a few miles East from U. S. President Ulysses S. Grant's birthplace.  Although today we see the Confederate Flag most often in the American South, it is this location that makes us smile.

Time sure passes slowly here.  This guy and his flag are about 150 years behind the times since then-General Grant won the Civil War for the North.

I'll leave further comments to you.  ;)





  1. Not meaning to offend the owner, but I would not enjoy being a passenger in that the flag really attached or maybe it's just in the yard...either way it's a neat photo, Lois.

  2. Hhmmm. . . reminds me of the bumper stickers still seen today in some parts of the South, "Hell No, I ain't fergitten? Also, and don't laugh, even today it is considered "proper and respectful" to stand during the playing of Dixie.

  3. HI Lois...A rebel without a
    Ya....some people are a little passioate about things and a little behind the times!!
    PS Your Hibuscus from yeaterday is lovely!!

  4. are always on a trip of some kind. I am learning a lot about the USA from you.

  5. I had a project in Mississippi for several months. They call it the War of Northern Aggression and don't think it is quite over yet.

  6. I live this every day here in Alabama. In fact on the interstate between Birmingham and the Montgomery, there is a confederate flag on a hill by the road that must be 40 feet by 30 feet.
    It's hard for me to understand so I imagine it's a mystery for those who are passing through.

  7. Thanks for continuing your tour with pictures!

  8. I was going to say the same thing as Yogi. A lot of people in the South still refer to it as the War of Northern Aggression. This flag is a terrible reminder of a sad chapter in our country's history.

  9. I should remain wordless on this one but will show my intelligence or lack, I don't fly the confederate flag and have no desire to...must say, I had someone in the neighborhood here not even from the south that liked to fly one...that is when I really caught on to what most people mean when they fly it...until then I had always thought 'oh, they are from the south!' Now I don't know how that is all I thought. Must say I feel/felt really stupid.

  10. Did you know that Mason and Dixon were both englishmen? Charles Mason was from the south of England and Jerimiah Dixon was from Bishop Aukland, County Durham. That is not far from were I used to live.

  11. Even after all these years, there are still a lot of conflicting views in the south... but I love your shot!

  12. wonder if anyone has told him that the war is over? LOL!

  13. Here's to a wonderful weekend, sweet Lois xxxx

  14. Great, when here there is a true man, lol.

  15. Oh my, that truck is something else!! They're probably from So. Carolina!...debbie


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