Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last Stop in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

Good morning,

We made one last stop in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. before we will be leaving Freedom of the Seas to drive North to Ohio in a few days.
It's fun to get off of the ship to get some pictures from the outside.  That's when we get a very different view of the size of the ship.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection keeping us safe.  :)
And, the good old U.S. Postal Service.  I love ports where I can put cards and letters into the U.S. mail.
This gorgeous flower is just outside the post office.
 The tour buses come in all shapes,...
 ...sizes,...   (Aside:  look, there's a Hooter's just outside the port area!  We passed on Hooter's.)
...and colors.
Just outside the Havensight Mall area at the port is where the locals shop. We didn't find the computer cable we wanted here, but had a good time wandering around Radio Shack.
Back over at the Havensight Cafe we stopped for a couple of cold ones.  We also had club sandwiches, but ate them before I could get pictures.  ;)
 We were on a quest for matching t-shirts for the family after lunch.
 There are plenty of places to shop.
 But, we didn't find what we wanted so...
 ...headed "home" to the "mother ship."

We enjoy our visits to St. Thomas and look forward to being here again in the Fall.

Very best,



  1. There's no end to the exciting opportunities when you're cruisin' !! LOL

  2. I've never been on a cruise until now :) Thanks for taking us along.

  3. loved those tour buses. too creative!

  4. You guys have been on quite a trip!

  5. Your life sounds sooo different from mine. :))

  6. what a trip it must have been... gorgeous! =)

  7. Thank you for sharing! and what a beautiful flag on the last picture ;)

  8. Hi Everyone,

    Yes, it has been a grand time at sea once again.

    Marit, that flag in the last image was no accident. ;)

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and for your very kind comments.


  9. You advertise cruise holidays soooooo well!
    One day I hope to be on one, even if it was just for a short trip.

  10. Last stop.... that sounds sad...

    But i I loved that shot of the flower with the little ants, my my that is a good pic!

    Thanks and keep having FUN!


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