Thursday, May 26, 2011

George Town, Grand Cayman - Tendering Ashore

Good morning,

One of the experiences of cruising on a very large ship is using the tender boats to get to ports that don't have docks big enough to accommodate cruise ships. 
Today My Honey and I are going ashore with our friends Russell and Martha who are taking us to lunch at a favorite restaurant of theirs in Grand Cayman.
I have always enjoyed tendering because I am able to get images of the ship that are not possible any other way.
 In the harbor is this pirate ship tour boat.  It provides quite a contrast with the more modern ships (contrast image below).
 There is a great deal of harbor traffic.
 And, now we have moved into position to see that contrast of old and new.  ;)  It's amazing to see how small those pirate ships look compared to modern cruise ships.
 Here we are in Grand Cayman leaving the tender boat...
 ...where there are plenty of shops where you can find souvenirs...
 ...and even Harley-Davidson "stuff!"
 This is the rum distillery next door to the restaurant where we had an outstanding meal complete with a perfect view of the harbor and our ship.

Tune in tomorrow to see the restaurant, the harbor, and images of some of the best Italian Food in town.





  1. What a fun day. The weather looks perfect.

  2. The pirate ship is so tiny in comparison. I cannot imagine sailing the globe on that!

  3. the pirate ship against the cruiser is pretty neat. what our ancestors would thik of some of the 'stuff' we take for granted...

  4. That looks like beautiful.

  5. Great side-by-side comarison, Lois. ANd you are right that tendering does give you a chance for some great "whole" ship images.

  6. Don't know where I've been but behind a couple of days. Love the angle on the first shot.


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