Monday, March 21, 2011

Full Moon Saloon

Good morning,

My Honey and I have several favorite "toy" stores.  They are stores that sell wood, tools, yarn, knitting needles, dolls, well, you get the idea....   We are both enablers;  we enable each other in our favorite hobbies.

Recently we were shopping for some new items that My Honey wanted to work on a clock he is making.  While he was paying for those new "toys" at our local Woodcraft store (that's My Honey in the upper left of this picture, wallet in hand) I took some pictures of a display there.
When I got home I checked on line to find there are directions so that you, too, can make this. 
This whole project is just darling and must have taken forever to make. 
You have to look at each section to appreciate this thing so here are some pictures to enjoy:
Is this project fun or what! 

If you want to make it  yourself:

There is no way I could make it, but I sure enjoyed seeing it.  Have you see this anywhere before?

Very best,



  1. What amazing detail! The characters were very interesting. I don't think that I would have the patience to make something like that but i did enjoy looking at it!
    Love Di ♥

  2. Wow! Fun to look at, but make it??? Definitely a project for a retired person with lots of time on their hands!

  3. Wow, all those small details! I am afraid it would not look like this even if I bought the book :) Perhaps my husband could make something like that.

  4. LOL, how cute is THAT!! Amazing little details. What fun!! Neat place to visit for sure!...debbie

  5. Hi Lois ...these characters are just hysterical from the lady on the piano with the big boobs to the tombstone sales man and his helper!!! Hahaha!!
    What great time consuming "no" you won't find me trying my hand at either!!!
    Just loved this post!!!

  6. Very cute...that's a lot of work involved. And your bread in the post below looks wonderful!

  7. A friend of mine who was in Japan when I was there does this kind of wood carving. He does some remarkable work.

  8. What a fun piece of work! It does look like it would take a lot of time, and you'd really have to enjoy carving to undertake a project like this. It might be fun to get the book just to browse though.


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