Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Phunny Bovine Photo

Good morning,

I didn't realize how funny the image above is until I looked at it after downloading from my digital camera.

That's Captain Manolis (far left) up there on the bridge a deck above and across the Royal Promenade aboard Freedom of the Seas.  He's introducing his senior officers at the Captain's Welcome Aboard Party.

Look carefully to the far, far right to see "who" is watching Captain Manolis so intently.  Yep, that's a cow.  In fact, that's one of the Ben and Jerry's Cows right there on board Freedom of the Seas.

Well, we think it's pretty funny from this angle.  ;)
Here is another view of the cows from below on the Royal Promenade.
You just never know what you're going to find on a cruise ship these days.  ;)




  1. I think every ship should have a cow!! lol...debbie

  2. HI Lois.... I find it so funny sometimes when I take a photo and find something there that I didn't notice until it is downloaded!!

    That is really funny and no I would not expect to see a Ben & Jerry cow on board!! lol

    Do the have "Turtle Soup" on board , that's my favorite B&J ice cream!!lol : }}

  3. Cows on a cruise?? That's too funny - entertaining. Nice shots, Lois.

  4. O.K. you really had me there for a minute! I thought "A real cow, on a cruise ship! Why?"! It made for a funny photo!! Love Di ♥

  5. Funny photo, Lois, and only goes to show you that you never know WHAT may appear in a photo. Thanks also for yesterday's post about medical emergencies at sea. It seems the care may be better than some places on land.

  6. Good morning,

    It is fun to be here long enough to explore all the different photo opportunities on board, but this one literally fell into my camera. ;)

    Thank so much, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,

  7. Grammie! I forgot to answer your question. I haven't seen Turtle Soup ice cream and am not so sure I can even figure out how it would taste as an ice cream. ;)

    Yes, Debbie, every ship should have a cow and we have TWO!



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