Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Skirt for 18" Doll - Knit

Clothing for 18" Dolls is available for purchase at 

Knit and crochet patterns to make clothing for 18" Doll are also available.



  1. You have some lucky grandgirls!! My girls would be so thrilled if I could do that!! Really cute outfit...debbie

  2. Thanks, Debbie.

    I just can't make doll clothes fast enough for the girls. I get most of my crocheting and knitting accomplished while we are at sea. The last short time we were home we spent splitting and stacking wood from that Catalpa tree. ;)

    Thanks so much for stopping by. We will be in a US port on Sunday and I look forward to being able to load your blog to see how you and Cooper are doing!



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