Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Everyone,

I hope your day is as joyous and peaceful as is ours here aboard Freedom of the Seas.
Christmas hugs,




  1. Merry Christmas, Lois. We hosted a little get together for the family today at our home - it was really a nice, relaxing visit and time.

  2. Dear Lois,

    Hope your Christmas day was smooth sailing! :)
    Can't wait to see your pictures!!
    PS Thank you so much for your encouraging comments...they mean so much to me!

  3. Belated Merry Christmas, Lois & Kjell. We had a dinner at home with friends and family and watched the snow falling outside - perfect!

  4. Good morning,

    Thank you for your Christmas greetings. I have enjoyed reading your and other blogs and seeing what everyone else is doing for Christmas.

    Here we had a lovely day with friends yesterday.

    We are in a US port today so I am able to log on and will go ashore for a short time to do some shopping and mail some letters.

    Thank you so much for stopping by.

    Very best,


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. You will find the answers right here in the comments section.