Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blue Ridge Parkway

Good morning,

We are still enjoying our vacation in the Great Smoky Mountains.  On this morning we got up very early to drive a few miles from Cherokee, North Carolina, across the Blue Ridge Parkway.
We were at the end of the colorful Fall season, but we were absolutely delighted with the color we saw.
Many of the images are self explanatory.

We purposely came very early in the morning to catch the morning sun.
We saw very few other people on the Parkway this morning.

 We ooooh'd and aaaaaah'd our way through this day.  The images from this stop are all spectacular.
 I wouldn't be surprised if the bears joined anyone having a picnic here.

 There is dew on the grass and leaves.  The contrast of the brown oak leaves and the fresh green of the grass was striking.
 We are now above the tree line for deciduous trees.
 The Parkway is visible on the left side of the image.
 The Blue Ridge Mountains are true to their name.

 What a fantastic day.  This is a photographer's wonderland along the Blue Ridge Parkway.




  1. I've been there several times in the past but never in the fall. Stunning photography! A beautiful drive anytime of the year.

  2. Morning Lois, this is a great way to spend the after-holiday vs. shopping in malls for bargins. I'm with you!

  3. I am in sighing in envy, what beautiful images and a fantastic looking trip. Brings back memories of being in the states. Here it's cold and frosty in London, UK!


    PS found you via contemporary embroidery blog :)

  4. The Blue Ridge Parkway is truly beautiful. We haven't been over it for awhile. Your photos are so pretty! My favorite is the tunnel. Not sure why. I just like it. ...debbie

  5. Wow, nature really is amazingly beautiful in your lovely little corner, Lois. Hope your weekend is off to a great start. Very cold weather is banging on my door.

  6. Hi Lois...what a lovely post!!
    The area is just amazing ; love traveling in the mountains!!
    I really got a kick of the names on the sign at different points. : }

  7. These pictures are beautiful, Lois, and so peaceful; although, you know, bears only have pic-i-nics, never just picnics!

    xo Erin

  8. Spectacular photos! What a beautiful way to spend the day.

  9. Good morning,

    Yes, this was a spectacular day for us. I didn't mention it in the post, but when we first pulled onto the Blue Ridge Parkway we were the only car in sight. We saw a huge eagle sitting on a low branch of a tree looking at us as we were looking at him so we slowed to a stop to watch him. It almost seemed he was the greeter at the entrance to the parkway. Before I could turn on my camera and My Honey could put down his car window, the eagle flew away. The eagle, though, seemed to be a symbol and forecast of the beautiful sights that we were soon to see and capture with our cameras.

    Welcome, Amelia. I am glad you stopped by so I could find your blog, too.

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and your kind words.

    Very best,


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