Monday, August 16, 2010

The Crypt

Good morning,

I just happened by The Crypt, one of the bars on board Freedom of the Seas, and took this image above of the entrance...
...and some of the leaded glass just inside the entrance.
The bar wasn't open at the time so I didn't get any action shots inside. 

I just think the glass is so pretty that I wanted to share it here. 

We've had a large leaded glass window made for our main staircase at home so are aware of the work that goes into the design.  Although ours is not at all this type of design, I have a better appreciation for all leaded glass since that experience. 




  1. I am amazed at the extent Royal Carribean has gone to in decorating this ship! I'd call it a class act.

  2. OH!! I love leaded glass. It's so pretty! I took a class and made a window hanging. It's harder that you think it is! ...debbie

  3. It is so beautiful Lois. I too love leaded glass. I would love to do it myself actually. Something I've thought about in the past!
    Love Di ♥

  4. Good morning,

    Yes, the more I walk around Freedom, the more I find here. It's just amazing how fantastic these ships are. Each one that is built adds something else special.

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by. :)

    Very best,


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