Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who is Oscar?

Good morning,

At the beginning of every cruise, guests are required to attend the muster drill in compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974.  This insures all guests know the emergency evacuation plan and how to use it.

Later in the cruise, though, you may hear various code words over the public address system.  One of them is "Oscar, Oscar, Oscar."

Who is Oscar, anyway?
If you hear Oscar being called and it is not a drill, it means there is someone overboard and the rescue team goes into action.

To be sure the crew is always ready, drills are held every month while in port so the crew can practice. These images are of a drill.
It is amazing how fast the rescue crew gets into the rescue boat, lowers it into the water...
 ...and speeds to the person in the water.  In this case, Oscar is a crew member in an orange wet suit.
 The green dye in the water is to mark the spot.
Oscar plays his part well allowing the rescue crew...
...to do all the work to get him into the rescue boat.
While bringing the rescued Oscar back to the ship...
...the rescue team provides first aid.

So, now you know who Oscar is when he is paged on board a ship.

Very best,



  1. What a neat post! I didn't realize you had to take a safety class aboard ship, but it's a must. You never know what might happen. Glad to know about Oscar! ...debbie

  2. It has been so many years since we went on our cruise that I don't remember them doing that! Interesting!
    Love Di ♥

  3. We've never taken a cruise, Lois, but now we will know who one of "folks" on board.

  4. Didn't know about taken a safety class ...

    Hope your week is great so far, Lois. xx

  5. Hey Lois
    thanks for stopping by my blog home today it was nice to see you :o)
    Great info if I am every cruising.


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