Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Anniversary Dinner

 Good morning,

We recently enjoyed dinner at a nearby restaurant we hadn't tried yet.  Catherine had been there before and highly recommended it.  Above is the slab of ribs that Catherine enjoyed.  Wow.  That's what I'll get next time.

 Kjell and I each enjoyed filet mignon and a loaded baked potato. Of course, we were good and ate a salad first, too.

We really liked this restaurant.  I had made the reservation on line and requested a table, not a booth, because it is more comfortable for my back.  When we arrived, we were given perfect seating.  

We'll go back.  :)


Monday, March 10, 2025

Fresh Flowers Centerpiece

 Good morning,

What a lovely centerpiece of fresh flowers.

These were for our anniversary.  Kjell has a secret private shopper who takes care of such things.  (Thank you, Catherine.)

Love you both,


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Lily's Ice Stash

 Good morning,

Lily is a hoot!  She collects her treasures on the "doggie deck chair" on our patio.  

 This winter she continues to collect chunks of ice from the puppy pool near our wood pile. 

 When it gets warm enough for the ice to break, Lily walks on it until it is in chunks that she then carries over to her deck chair to save.  Of course, all it takes is a couple of hours above freezing temperatures for her ice treasures to disappear.

Note the green dragon stuffy toy that has been trying to escape the frozen pool for the past couple of weeks.  I think he'll get out soon!

Dogs are so much fun, aren't they.



Saturday, March 8, 2025

Kalanchoe in the Sun

 Good morning,

Our indoor garden is loving the winter sun on the front of our home.

This pretty kalancohe is blooming inside the french doors in our dining room.



Friday, March 7, 2025

Lily's Hot Tub

 Good morning,

Our two year old baby Lily believes our gold fish pond is her personal hot tub.

 The pond is heated for the gold fish, but Lily believes it is her own sushi source.

 There she goes!

Oh, my.  What a muddy face!

I'm not so sure she's able to catch any of the fish, but from the look of that tongue, something tasted good!




Thursday, March 6, 2025

Shrimp and Scallops

 Good morning,

This was a joint effort dinner that we enjoyed last night.  We used items we happened to have on hand.

Kjell prepared the shrimp and scallops and I prepared the spaghetti and sauce.   

We put it all together in a casserole dish with a little cheese on the top and it was fabulous!

Yum!  Sometimes the best meals are the ones made with whatever is available.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Goetta Lunch

 Good morning,

Here's our recent breakfast for lunch that really hit the spot.

Eggs over easy, applesauce, and goetta.  Goetta is a local favorite made of pork and oats, then fried until crispy.  The recipe was brought to the Cincinnati area by German immigrants in the 1800's.  



Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Winter Wonderland

 Good morning,

And, the snow keeps coming.  

I'm sure we'll hear from our weather people by the end of March with statistics about how much snow we have had this year compared to other years.  This year we've seen more snow than I can remember since 1978 and 1979.  I'm sure we've set some sort of record this year.

Stay warm!  

Spring is coming!







Monday, March 3, 2025

A Boy and His Dogs

 Good morning,

The pups just love their Daddy.  Above is Lily on Kjell's lap...

 ...and here Elsa is napping with Daddy.

Precious.  Life is good.



Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bread Day - Whole Wheat Sour Cream

 Good morning,

The house smells wonderful again today.

Today's bread is Whole Wheat with Sour Cream.  The sour cream in the recipe gives the bread a wonderful smooth texture.



Saturday, March 1, 2025

Utopia Sailing Out

 Good morning,

What a lovely sight.  That's Utopia of the Seas sailing out of Coco Cay, Bahamas.

While it's cold here in Ohio, it's lovely to see these images of cruise ships in warm waters.

