Monday, October 31, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Another Bridge - Crossing the Ohio River

 Good morning,

We literally moved back and forth across major rivers on our road trip.

 This time we are crossing from Indiana to Kentucky across the Ohio River at Louisville.


 Here's the first sign to Cincinnati!  Yay!



Saturday, October 29, 2022

More Fall Color

 Good morning,

Spectacular color!

 We are well into the afternoon in Indiana now.  The Fall Color is just beautiful.



Friday, October 28, 2022

Indiana Farmland

 Good morning,

What a gorgeous day! 

This is the food basket of America.  




Thursday, October 27, 2022

Homeward Bound

 Good morning,

Once again we were blessed with beautiful weather as we began our trip home to Ohio from Missouri.

It's impossible to miss St. Louis!

Going East! 


 Once again...

 ...we crossed the Mighty Mississippi River.

More to come!


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bob's CNC - Brighton, Missouri

 Good morning,

In yesterday's post I showed you an old building in Brighton, Missouri.  Across the street is Bob's CNC, which was our road trip destination.

I didn't realize until we were leaving that I didn't take any pictures inside this time.  We were too busy seeing old friends and meeting new ones while learning about what is new in the CNC world.

I did take lots of pictures another time, though;  all the usual suspects were there this year in addition to many new ones.  Check out the pictures here!

 Next year I will be better at taking pictures during the meetings.  :)

Yes, this was fun!  We truly enjoy seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and learning about new CNC equipment.

 Check out Kjell's wood working here!  He makes fabulous items.

All the best,


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Brighton, Missouri, Old Town

 Good morning,

Our road trip was to Brighton, Missouri, for a wood working event at Bob's CNC.  

The town of Brighton has some fascinating old buildings!  I took this image this trip and took many more another time we were there.  Check them out here!

 What a fascinating place!


Monday, October 24, 2022

Road Trip Missouri Sunset

 Good morning,

We were blessed with beautiful weather on our eleven hour road trip.  

The sunset was gorgeous and we arrived at our destination just as the sun was setting.

It was good to get out on the road again!



Sunday, October 23, 2022

Road Trip Crochet

 Good morning,

Of course, I can't sit in the car for hours without doing something productive.

My projects this trip were cloche hats.  Working in the sunlight was great!

What are you making, baking, growing this week?

All the best,


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Making A Statement

 Good morning,

It is political season here in the USA so there are signs everywhere.

That truck with the American Flag on the back had a message in huge letters on the side:  Think While It Is Still Legal.

I tried to get a picture of it after it passed us, but we never caught up to it again.  Fortunately, My Honey is careful about the speed limit.

I looked up the "Think While It Is Still Legal" thing on the Internet when I got home and discovered there are t-shirts and many other items for sale.  I never nailed down the group behind it, but it sure did make an impression on the highway.

Don't forget to vote!


Friday, October 21, 2022

Passing St. Louis

 Good morning,

We passed through St. Louis going both ways on our road trip.  Of course, the Arch is something that is seen from a long distance in all directions.

Many years ago Catherine and I made a long weekend trip to St. Louis, went up in that arch to the top, and looked out of the tiny observation windows.

I don't think I would do it again today.



Thursday, October 20, 2022

Happy Birthday, Catherine!


 Good morning,

Please join me in wishing Catherine a Happy Birthday!  She's our very sweet daughter and our pride and joy.  

The image was taken in the conference room of her CPA office.  She just finished another tax season deadline (October 17 was the extension date for those who didn't file April 15), so deserves a great dinner out and several days of sleep!

Happy Birthday, Catherine!  We love you!


Mom and Dad

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Going Down the Road

 Good morning,

When driving on the highway do you sometimes see a vehicle in the distance and wonder what in the world it is?  

This one turned out to be pretty simple....

 This one is a flat bed truck with farm equipment.

We truly enjoyed this trip. It had been a whole year since we had a road trip so getting out on the highway was a treat.  

The older we get the more we appreciate the small things in life.  

All the best,


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Welcome to Illinois

 Good morning,

Another state already?  We were moving along on our eleven hour journey from Ohio to Missouri.

 We pulled into the first Illinois rest stop since we were doing a Duncan Hines tour of them this trip.  Hmm.  Duncan Hines.  Does anyone else remember those travel reviews by Duncan Hines?

 Near the main building at the rest stop were bird feeders all filled up and serving snacks to our feathered friends.  This was so very cool!

And, so, the journey continues....



Monday, October 17, 2022

Halloween Decorations

 Good morning,

During our road trip we enjoyed seeing roadside stands selling pumpkins and other Halloween decorations.

 Ah, yes, Fall.  It was beautiful out there!

Happy Fall,


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Indiana Rest Stop

 Good morning,

Highway rest stops certainly have changed since I was a child.  Well, we have an Interstate Highway System now, too, thanks to President Eisenhower.  ;)

Seriously, we have found the state rest stops to be neat and tidy.  We feel safe when we stop, too.  

The rest stop pictured is in Indiana.

And the trip goes on....


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Crossing the Ohio River - Kentucky to Indiana

 Good  morning,

We crossed the Ohio River four times in three days during our road trip.

 Today's images are from Kentucky to Indiana at Louisville.

 We continued to have great weather with only a sprinkling of rain dorps now and then.

And, I'm humming, "Back Home Again...."



Friday, October 14, 2022

Concrete Spaghetti Approaching Louisville

 Good morning,

Whenever we approach an area like with with so many overlapping roadways, I imagine myself in a giant bowl of concrete spaghetti.

Just so no one decides to add spaghetti sauce!



Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fall Color in Kentucky

 Good morning,

This is an image of the beautiful Fall color near Louisville, Kentucky.

We attend a wood working meeting each year around this time and it couldn't be better for enjoying the Fall weather and color.

Happy Fall!


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Highway Hibiscus

 Good morning,

Regular readers know I love the hearty hibiscus that grow wild in my garden at home.  

The bloom in this picture is a giant version that we found at a rest stop in Kentucky.  I'm guessing this one is ten to twelve inches across.  


All the best,


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Road Trip!

 Good morning,

So far, so good with the weather!  We are passing downtown Cincinnati just after rush hour so the traffic isn't too bad.   

 Only a minute or two later we see signs for Kentucky...

 ...and are crossing the famous  I75 Brent Spence Bridge.  

 Here we are in Kentucky....

More to come!



Monday, October 10, 2022

Sunrise and Happy Columbus Day!

 Good morning,

Today is a post office holiday in celebration of Columbus Day.  It is a gorgeous Fall Day with dry skies and comfy temperatures.

I took this image through my bedroom window.  What glorious colors!  

We're getting ready for a road trip and were delighted to wake up to dry streets.

Stay tuned and we'll take you on a road trip with us.



Sunday, October 9, 2022

Magnolia Bud

 Good morning,

Our Tulip Magnolia in front of our home is quietly working on blooms for next Spring.  

Flower buds begin to form as soon as blossoms fade each Spring.  Then the rest of the year these buds develop and grow for the big show the following Spring.

This is how it will look next Spring!  

All the best,


Saturday, October 8, 2022

Work in Process - Wool Blend Scarf

 Good morning,

With cold winds coming, I decided it was time to make another heavy wool blend scarf.  I've been crocheting most of the time recently, so it was good to change over to knitting to give my fingers a change of pace.

I was given some of this Lion Brand wool blend yarn awhile back.  At first, I wasn't too very fond of it, but now that I've made a few projects with it, I like the feel and warmth.  At regular price this yarn can get pricey to use if making a large project, so I picked up more of it when I saw it at a good price.  

What are you making, baking, growing this week?

All the best,


Friday, October 7, 2022

Yellow Mums

 Good morning,

I went out on the front porch to get the mail and heard the yellow mums yelling, "Water me!"  I answered, "I'm on it!  Be right back!"

Usually the rainwater is enough, but not this week. 

 Happy Fall!


Thursday, October 6, 2022

This Morning's Blossoms

 Good morning,

I woke up to these pretty blossoms.  These flowers have been inspiration for my needlework designs.  

I just love the way these flowers shine in the morning sun when I open the drapes in the dining room.

Are flowers blooming where you are now?

All the best,


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Catherine's Chili

 Good morning,

Today's image is courtesy of Catherine.  She made a big batch of chili so she'd have some for her office and some for us at home.

It was YUMMY!  

Thanks, Catherine.

Love you,

Mom & Dad

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Needlework and Wood Working Update - October, 2022

 Good morning,

Welcome to this month's Needlework and Wood Working Update featuring what we've completed during the past month.

Above is another Raised Burgundy Flowers on Pink and White Large Afghan Blanket.  This has been a very popular color combination so I make another each time one is sold.  $165.  More information about this one is here.

 This is also a Large Afghan Blanket that is back in stock.  $165.  More information and images here.


 This Toilet Tissue Topper color is also back in the shop after being sold out. This item is available in a large variety of colors. $8.  More here.

Kjell made three of these cherry wood engraved No Soliciting signs this month.  One is mounted at our front door, one was a custom order, and the third is in the shop.  We live where we get a high number of "door bell rings" for all sorts of reasons.  It gets even worse during political seasons.  This is a polite way of telling would-be ringers that we are not interested.  Only $25.  More images and information here.

Come see what else we've made

We sincerely appreciate your encouragement, comments, likes, shares, favorites, pins, and purchases, too!  Most of our items are one of a kind so if you see something you like, order now.  

All the very best,
