Monday, November 30, 2020

Heated Weighted Blanket

 Good morning,

We have the most adorable heated, weighted blankets.  The ones in the image are about 65 pounds, quite warm, and very cuddly.

Perfect for winter!






Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dinner Time


Good morning,

We finally sat down to a huge Thanksgiving Dinner. 

 Everything was perfect and we have plenty of leftovers. 

 This meal was a joint effort with Catherine putting in most of the effort.

It is good to be home.  Kjell and I spent many Thanksgivings at sea.  They were lovely, but there is nothing like being home with family and eating home cooked Thanksgiving dinner.

We hope your Thanksgiving was as lovely as ours.  Next year when the threats of Covid-19 have hopefully passed, we hope to be able to have all the usual friends and relatives here to enjoy the meal with us.

 All the best,


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Very Fresh Bread

 Good morning,

My bread came out of the oven just in time for My Honey to slice some for lunch.  You can't see the steam rising in this image, but the bread was so hot, he had to use a towel to hold it to cut it.

 Before lunch was over we had consumed the entire mini loaf.  

There isn't much (anything?) better than the aroma of fresh bread baking.  I guess eating the fresh bread is better!

Happy Thanksgiving Week!


Friday, November 27, 2020

Turkey ala Catherine and Company

 Good morning,

It has been a week of eating!  

This is daughter Catherine preparing the turkey for our Thanksgiving meal.

 If you look carefully at the lower left of the above image, you'll see one of Catherine assistants giving advice about how to butter that turkey.

 Catherine is very good at following Elsa's instructions.
They are so very serious about their work!



Thursday, November 26, 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Eye Candy

 Good morning,

I'm arranging colors for a Stained Glass Afghan Blanket.  

Playing with the colors and arranging how they look together is so much fun!

As you can see, it's easy to entertain me.






Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Topher's Second Breakfast

 Good morning,

Our friend Topher was with us this morning at breakfast time.  He had already had breakfast at his home, but enjoyed a second (smaller) breakfast with Erik.  

Topher is a little guy, just a few months old, and Erik is 11 years old.  Erik is so very gentle with the little guy.  It is precious to see.

Our girls, Elsa and Wendy had their breakfast in their staterooms kennels this morning.  Since Elsa is in season for another few days the boys and the girls take turns running free.  Catherine has taken to Erik to work several times recently so that Elsa and Wendy can have the house to themselves.  

Ah, yes, kids....



Monday, November 23, 2020

Office Assistants

 Good morning,

This morning I received a text with an image attached from my son who works from home.  The image was of his cat and the caption was:  My Office Assistant. 

 Hmm.  I'll see that cat and raise you two dogs....

I was working at my computer so immediately snapped the picture above and sent it back to him.  I have two office assistants.  ;)

That's Wendy sitting in Daddy's chair and Elsa supervising.  Wendy had climbed up there herself since Daddy was already in his wood workshop. 

This working-from-home thing is pretty nice.



Sunday, November 22, 2020

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup


Good morning,

Simple food tastes so good.  Catherine whipped up some grilled cheese sandwiches and 

tomato soup.

True to the Norwegian way, My Honey cuts up hard boiled eggs in his soup bowl before adding the tomato soup.

And, to make it really good we had some salad with our anchovies.  ;)

Thanks, Catherine,  you prepared another winner meal for all of us.

Love you,


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Work in Process

 Good morning,

This is my current Work In Process in the living room.  

In this image I am joining the 80 squares, then will put on the final scalloped border.  It'll soon be in the shop.

I've made this color arrangement before and it quickly sold so this is a "restock" item.  I love the dramatic effect of the black/white contrast when spread out.

What are you making today?



Update! I've finished joining the squares and have added a scalloped border.  It's photographed and listed now!  To check it out, click here.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Playing With Daddy

 Good morning,

Daddy got down on the floor last night to play with the girls and they were elated!

 Elsa brought toys and Wendy rolled over to have her tummy rubbed.

So cute!

It is good to be retired.  



Thursday, November 19, 2020

Knitting On the Go

 Good morning,

On the way out the door to an appointment for My Honey I grabbed my knitting needles and yarn.  

Due to Covid-19, I'm spending more time in the car sitting and waiting for him to go to appointments instead of going in with him.  When we go out, we try to run all errands in the same trip so I go along to go to the post office, grocery, etc., while we are out.

Anyway, the item on my lap above is the beginning of a hat/cowl set for the shop to replace one that was ordered locally.  This yarn is so very soft and the colors are lovely.  It is fun to work with it and watch the color changes as they develop the pattern as knitting progresses.

What are you making, baking, growing this week?




Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Catherine in the Kitchen Again

 Good morning,

That's a lovely filet mignon dinner prepared by our daughter, Catherine.  It's wonderful to have a very sweet daughter.  

Happy November!


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ground Cover Berries


 Good morning,

When we moved here 41 years ago, I asked my Dad if I could take clippings from the ground cover he had at his home. 

That ground cover has managed to cover more than the ground here.  This part of it is covering an old tree stump.

If my back had been better, I would have cut this back this summer.  I'm glad to see the beauty of the plant, but I will have to do something before it takes over my house next year!


Monday, November 16, 2020

Late Bloomers

Good morning,

These Sunshine Yellow Blossoms grace our front steps this week.

We have two different types of yellow Chrysanthemums in the porch vases so we are blessed with blossoms at different times in the Fall.

While other annuals surrounding these pretty flowers have turned brown, these pretties continue to greet us each morning.


Happy Fall,


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Weed Flowers

 Good morning,

Even the weeds have pretty little flowers right now.  

Soon everything will be brown and gray and we will be looking for signs of Spring.

Happy Fall!


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Erik at the Vet

 Good morning,

Catherine and I took our eleven year old Erik to the vet this week to find out why he was saying "ouch!" when his face was touched.  We thought it might have been a toothache, but weren't sure.

A trip to our vet is a road trip, but it is worth it. 

Erik can be intimidating to other dogs and people because of his size, but he's a big bundle of love.  We waited outside so he wouldn't scare anyone else waiting inside.

The resolution of Erik's problem was his neck being out of alignment.  After a chiropractic adjustment, he is feeling much better and no longer says "ouch!" when his head is touched.

 Our pups love coming to our vet.  He has the BEST cookies!



Friday, November 13, 2020

More Elsa Ribbons!


Good morning,

Elsa participated in several runs during the weekend.  She brought home two more ribbons and I'm so proud I have to show them off.

She received a third place in one of her runs and she also completed her Novice Jumpers Title!

We are all so proud of Elsa and her trainer our daughter Catherine, too!


Thursday, November 12, 2020


Good morning,

These pretty lilies are a gift to Catherine at her office from a client.  Since she would be away from her office all last weekend, she brought them home so we could all enjoy them here.

How very pretty!

Happy Fall,


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Freedom is Not Free - Thank a Veteran!


Veterans Day - United States of America

Freedom is Not Free





Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Wendy's View

 Good morning,

Wendy is enjoying the view of the Autumn leaves from her "perch" on Dad's foot rest in the living room.  

This Fall has been just beautiful here in Cincinnati.

All the best,






Monday, November 9, 2020

Work in Process This Week

 Good morning,

These colors are just wonderful!  

My current work in process is this white with pink, lavender, and purple stripes large lap blanket.  I'm hoping to have it finished and in the shop in the next few days.

What are you making, baking, growing this week?



UPDATE:  This blanket is finished!  More pictures and information here.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Five Dog Night Sleep Over

 Good morning,

 Our pups, Erik, Wendy, and Elsa, invited two friends over for a sleep over and they had a marvelous time.  The two Border Collies are Teddy and Tillie who belong to our friend Erica. 

 Teddy and Tillie know us  and our pups well.  They were so excited when they got here that they "stormed" us as they came in the door.

 Most of what we saw was a blur. 
As they stormed Dad in his chair, I just kept clicking my phone camera.
Everyone had to get into the act...
...and they each had a turn to be petted and sit on Dad's lap.
So cute!

When bed time arrived, Kjell and I took Elsa and Wendy into our room and closed the door so that we could control the number of dogs in our bed.  The rest of them slept with Catherine.

Remember the song "Three Dog Night?"  At our home sometimes it's a five dog night.



Saturday, November 7, 2020

Needlework and Wood Working Update - November, 2020

 Good morning,

Another month has passed already!  This has been an extremely busy month filling custom orders and restocking the shop for the holidays ahead. 

The New Extra Large Chair or Nap Crocheted Blanket - Northern Lights on Night Sky is a new design.  The diagonal design is reversible.   $125. One of a kind.  More information and images are here.

 This Large Flower Garden Afghan Blanket is couch or bed size.  $155.  I truly enjoy making these.  More information and images are here.

   This smiling doll with matching blanket sold within minutes of me publishing pictures of her on Facebook so...        

I made another for the shop.  $50 and available here.  There is only one available now.

Last month we sold quite a few baby blankets so this was a month to restock.  I made one blanket with matching turtle in Turquoise Brights - $50 set - (more info and images here) and...

...another in Green Brights - $50 set - (more info and images here). 
This is a Mobius Cowl Scarf shown doubled.  It is a custom order that has been delivered.

This is a similar Executive Gray Mobius Scarf that can be worn as shown, doubled, or bunched.  $28.  Available here.

This Executive Gray Knit Hat matches the Mobius Scarf above. $36.  The items may be purchased separately or together.  More images and information here.

This Nordic Knit Scandinavian Intarsia Hat is a mainstay for cold weather.  $38.  More information and images here.

This sweet Lavender Sweater and Hat set in size 6 months is a classic.  $40.  More here.

This is a face mask that was a custom order so has been delivered.  We have many others as well as Ear Savers all in a variety of colors here.

Does Santa look familiar?  He bears a striking resemblance to our own woodworker, Kjell Evensen.  This is Maple Wood, $45.  More images and information here.

Personalized Pet Kennel Engraved Wood Name Tags  Pet Shows  image 0

Kjell also made Pet Kennel Tags this month.  Since they are personalized, I'm not showing the ones he has made.  They are great to have for your own pets and make beautiful gifts for pet owners.  $12 each.  Info here.

The holidays are upon us!  We hope you'll take a "stroll through" our shop as you are shopping for holiday gifts for those you love and for yourself, too!  We sincerely appreciate your likes, shares, favorites, and purchases, too. 

All the very best,



 Come See What Else We've Made!

Original and Traditional 

Hand Crafted Designs

Made in Ohio, USA
