Thursday, March 31, 2016

Eden Park - Lower Overlook - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

This is the view of the Ohio River from the Lower Overlook in Eden Park.

We are standing in Ohio;  the small piece of land you see in the center right of the image is Kentucky.

In another week or two, there will be much more green in this Spring image.

All the best,

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Cormorant Fisherman - Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

I've featured this sculpture in images at different times of the year.  It is the Cormorant Fisherman sculpture that was a gift from Cincinnati's sister city in Japan.
What a beautiful place for this to be displayed.

Eden Park is a wonderful asset to Cincinnati.  We so enjoy so much beauty so close to home. 

All the best,

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Twin Lakes Bridge - Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

This bridge over the Twin Lakes at Eden Park has been the setting for pictures my father took of me when I was a child and is in thousands of pictures of couples who come to the park for their formal pictures of their wedding.
The bridge was built the year before my father was born.
The metal inserts in the circles of the bridge were added long after my Dad took pictures of me from the outside with my head peeking through. 

Oh, look!  There's that handsome man in my pictures again. It's to nice to see him show up just about everywhere I go.  ;)  I supposed I'm in a few of his pictures, too.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Twin Lakes - Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA - Where's the Water?

Good morning,

The people and the geese were asking the same question:  Where's the water?
We visit the Twin Lakes in Eden Park often and always find something different to see and photograph.
This visit was the week before Easter and the lakes had been drained for cleaning.
Several pairs of geese and ducks flew in as they surely had done in the past and had the same reaction...
 ...making plenty of noise and certainly asking, "Where's the water?"
 After cleaning, the lake will be reopened to the delight of the humans and the birds.  ;)

All the best,

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter - Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati, USA

Good morning and Happy Easter!

At the center of Cincinnati's Eden Park is Krohn Conservatory.

Beautiful floral displays are to be seen here year round and especially on holidays.  When we were in the park last week, the Conservatory was being prepared for Easter Weekend.
The truck on the other side of the cross walk was bringing flowers and plants for the Easter display.

What a wonderful place!  I've been coming here since I was a child.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Flowering Trees in Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

Today's images are of the area in Eden Park, Cincinnati, where you can walk among the flowering trees every Spring.

The views are beautiful and the aroma even more so.
This area can be reserved for wedding photos.

Oh, look!  There's that handsome man who appears in so many of my images.  He must be following me again! 

 We have a pink Tulip Magnolia in our front yard, and although probably as old, it is not quite this big since it endured some grooming about 20 years ago.
 I like it when he shows up everywhere I go.   ;)

 What a gloriously beautiful place!


Friday, March 25, 2016

Upper Level of Eden Park Overlook - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

Sometimes the weather is so pretty we get into the car to go for a ride to Eden Park, very close to our home.
Today's images were taken at the upper level overlook.  The park board does a good job of putting trash cans where they block a lovely shot.
This one is better.  ;)
That is the Ohio River below and Kentucky on the other side.  The road closest to the river was built along the path the original settlers followed as the came down the Ohio River to settle Cincinnati, then more further West.
This is the view down river toward downtown Cincinnati.  For obvious reasons, the first bridge is dubbed "The Big Mac Bridge."

All the best,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Eden Park Tower

Good morning,

The weather was so beautiful recently that we went on a photo safari to Eden Park. 

This is the tower on the upper level of the park.  More images to come!

All the best,

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Few More Daffs

Good morning,

I love the way the sun "lit up" these daffs from the back.

The daffodils are just about finished now.  The tulips are on the way!

I love seeing all of your blogs with flowers blooming at different times all over the world.  So many beautiful blossoms!

All the best,

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tulip Magnolia in Bloom

Good morning,

A few days ago I took a picture of the buds on this Tulip Magnolia.

Here it is in bloom.

So pretty!



Monday, March 21, 2016

Garden Home

Good morning,

I snapped this picture while walking through the store.  How very cute! 

Ah, gardening....


Sunday, March 20, 2016

After Dinner Chew

Good morning,

Sometimes a Retriever wants to have a little after dinner chew...
...Erik is working on a beef knuckle bone a friend gave us.  We had three of those bones that each of the dogs started chewing last week.  These are "outside" bones and the pups are good at leaving them outside when they come into the house.
We're down to only one knuckle bone now, so Wendy is working on a stick...
...acting very busy as she sits very close to Erik where she can watch him and pick up that bone herself should he walk away for a moment. 

Our three pups don't fight over bones, food, or toys, but they do hang around waiting their turn.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Can't Get Enough Flowers!

Good morning,

Every morning when I take the pups outside I am finding more beautiful flowers in bloom.
My phone camera wasn't the best to take this picture, but the flowers are special.  These are more of the flowers that I planted soon after we moved here in 1979.  They are still bringing joy every Spring.
And, finally, daffodils beside the fish pond.

I love Spring!


Friday, March 18, 2016

Welcome to Spring

Good morning,

I just love Spring!  It's wonderful to be home to see this in 2016. 

Last year we were at sea while all of the Spring flowers bloomed.



Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Spring Flowers

Good morning,

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  What is so beautiful on this day every year is the new green springing up all around us. 

Beautifully blooming among the shades of green are the tulip magnolias and other flowers in our yard.
Welcome, Spring!


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It's Tough to be a Yellow Lab

Good morning, Wendy here,

I was outside having a great time with my pals Penny and Erik when we saw a beautiful pond. 

Yes, we went for a swim.  When we got home Mom asked me why I was so muddy.
I told her I didn't see any mud!

Well, I got a bath and am now all fluffy and clean.  :)

Love and sloppy kisses,

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Rebuilding the Fire Places

Good morning,

Last week we had quite a lot of work going on inside our home.

Above you see the crew removing the interior of our sitting room second floor fireplace and preparing to rebuilt it.
This is the first floor fireplace.  The fire bricks have been removed back to the brick outer wall of the house.
Back to the second floor, new fire bricks are being installed.
On both the first and second floor, an aluminum liner was placed between the outer wall and fire bricks.
It's looking better and better!
This is another shot of the second floor.
 And, finally, this is the finished new interior of the first floor fireplace.

Also, the chimneys for first and second floor were lined with stainless steel and there will be a new chimney cap.  The entire interiors of the fireplaces were replaced/renewed from the floor to the top of the chimney.

Now we will wait two weeks for the mortar to set before building a fire.  I'm sure we'll get another cool evening so we can try it out before summer.  :)

Just a word to the wise, be sure to have your fireplaces checked.  Our home is very old and we have had the fireplaces cleaned regularly, but when we had the entire system checked we felt it was time to rebuild the whole thing.

The disruption in the house all week was certainly worth it!

All the best,