Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoy safe and happy celebrations with family and friends.

All the best for 2016!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Yes, I'm still having birthdays...

Good morning,

This lovely treat arrived at our table earlier this month after a lovely birthday dinner at Giovanni's Table aboard Freedom of the Seas with our friends Libby and Bob.
And, of all the lovely gifts I received, this one probably knit the nail mostly directly on the head!  My darling husband picked this one out for me.  That's emblazoned on the front of a hoodie that I wore all the way between Cincinnati and Port Canaveral.  It's a little warm for Florida temps now, but I'll surely wear it the rest of the winter when we go back to Ohio in a few weeks.

Thanks to all my dear family and friends for the good wishes and lovely gifts.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Windjammer Christmas Display - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

It's hard to capture the large Christmas display at the entrance to the Windjammer, but the image above captures the feeling of the layout.  It's big and beautiful.
The train runs and the lights flash. 
If this doesn't put people in the Christmas mood, nothing will!


Monday, December 28, 2015

Alex the Lion in the Christmas Spirit

Good morning,

Even Alex the Lion is in the Christmas mood with his Santa Hat.

I grabbed this snapshot while passing Alex in a photo session with friends.  It's not the best quality image, but I'm glad I got it.

So cute!


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Elf Points the Way...

Good morning,

This life size elf points the way to good food aboard Freedom of the Seas

His expression makes him appear he has some mischief up his sleeve!



Saturday, December 26, 2015

Smooth Seas

Good morning,

The day after Christmas at Sea.

The blue heavens reflected in the blue sea. 

I hope you are enjoying the warmth of family and friends.

Merry Christmas,

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Tree Aboard Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Merry Christmas! 

I hope you and yours are enjoying the blessings of family and friends today as we celebrate the Birth of Christ.

We are celebrating aboard Freedom of the Seas.  The really big tree pictured is more than three stories tall. 

All the very best for a lovely day with those you love,


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Merry Christmas, dear family and friends, from Freedom of the Seas.

This beautiful display is outside the Windjammer Restaurant on board Freedom.

All the very best for a wonderful Christmas with those you love,


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Traffic Light - Artwork Aboard Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Traffic lights on board a cruise ship?  Yes, these traffic lights are part of the artwork on board Freedom of the Seas

As the lights on the Royal Promenade change to simulate day and night, these lights displayed high in the center of the ship take on different appearances.  I took this image while standing on Deck 10 looking down in the Royal Promenade.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dining Room Entrance - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Cruise ships are known for fabulous foods and that is so very true aboard Freedom of the Seas.

Freedom serves this fabulous food in gorgeous surroundings.  Above is an image of one of the three formal dining rooms on board. 

All the best,

Monday, December 21, 2015

Rainbow on I-95

Good morning,

This gorgeous rainbow arched over I-95 as we drove to Freedom of the Seas early on a Sunday morning.  That had to be a good sign that our time on board will be fantastic - as always.  ;)

My posts are a little out of order and delayed by a few days since I format and add posts as I can while traveling.  While out here on the high seas I don't have enough band width to load the blogs I love to follow until we are in a US port.  So, I'm still checking in with all of your blogs, I just can't do it on as timely basis while we are at sea.  I love reading about you, your families, what you are doing, making, baking, photographing....

All the best,

Sunday, December 20, 2015

God Mother - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

It is tradition for ships to have God Mothers.
Freedom of the Seas' God Mother is Katherine Louise Calder.  She was present and did the honors for the naming of Freedom of the Seas when she was brought into service.

Freedom's God Mother was selected by Royal Caribbean after the public submitted names of women who have performed public service.  Mrs. Calder is a foster mother who has cared for many, many children so was an excellent choice.

All the best,

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Transition from Ohio to the High Seas

Good morning,

We have been in transition from Ohio to Florida to go to sea once again. 

As I have been able to work on images, get them formatted, then write the blog posts my time line has been a bit out of order.

So, this is the official image that we have gone South to Florida.  In the image above are the Proctor & Gamble twin towers in downtown Cincinnati.  I took the image on an early Thanksgiving morning as we passed by on nearly-deserted roads. 

I hope your holidays are wonderful with those you love and wherever you travel.

All the best,

Friday, December 18, 2015

Gift Baskets

Good morning,

Gift baskets took over our home!
Actually, we are putting them together for the holidays for clients and friends.  I took these images of baskets all over our living room and dining room after Catherine and Anna put the baskets together and just before I started making big bows to put on each one.
Catherine puts a great deal of time and thought into designing the baskets each year. The theme for the baskets this year is hot chocolate so all the makings and two mugs are in each basket complete with some special cookies to make the treat complete.



Thursday, December 17, 2015

Flashback to Thanksgiving

Good morning,

Since we travel so much for My Honey's work, we have our holidays with family when we can.  Today's images are of our Thanksgiving celebration which happened a few days before Thanksgiving.  I'm finally able to work through the pictures I took that day. 

Above you see Catherine prepping the turkey for the grill.  She had plenty of helpers looking on.
I'm writing this now as we are away from home. 
Pictures are wonderful, aren't they.  They carry us back to the moment so we can enjoy it over and over again.
I walked around the table and snapped pictures of the food...
 ...while everyone was digging in...
 ...and filling their plates.
 The food was wonderful, but being with family was fantastic!

All the best,

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Boleros - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

This is the dance floor beside gorgeous glass flower artwork in Boleros, the place to find Latin music on board Freedom of the Seas.
I managed to get a few pictures while no one was here on a port day.
The artwork on board Freedom of the Seas is incredible!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Stairways in Paradise - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Even the stairways on board Freedom of the Seas are part of the artwork on board.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Casino Royale - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Of course, Freedom of the Seas has an excellent casino on board.  
Whatever games or slots you would like to play, you'll find them here!

Good luck!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Schooner Bar - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

It's fun to wander around the ship while we are in port and most of the guests are ashore.

This is the Schooner Bar, closed at the moment I walked through, but an area of much activity at other times.  It's a meeting place as well as a place for trivia, group meetings, and entertainment.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hanukkah Menorah - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

It is such fun to be aboard a cruise ship to celebrate holidays! 

Above you see a Hanukkah banner.  Menorah lights are lit nightly during Hanukkah.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Just Doing Nothing

Good morning,

With so much to do on a cruise ship, sometimes what you really want to do is nothing.  ;)


Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Gingerbread Village Grows! Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Here are a few more images of the Gingerbread Village on board Freedom of the Seas.
Throughout the month of December, more and more is added to the decorations around the ship.  That little train moves through the village.  Delightful!
Yes, they need to put up this sign.  It is amazing to me how many people (including adults!) walk up and touch such displays. 

All the best,

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Needlework and Wood Update - December, 2015

Good morning,

It's that time again for another Needlework and Wood Update.  This is a picture story of the items we have made since last month's update.  Some of the items are for ourselves to use, some for gifts, and some are in our on-line Etsy shop.  Be sure to scroll all the way down to see the gorgeous new wood items that My Honey has created.

Above is a soft wool blend original design sweater.  I've had this one in mind for a long time.  I have now designed and made two of them, one in a child size and this one in an adult size.  Both are available in the shop.  Now to make one in MY size for ME!  ;)
Here's a fun hat in the intarsia Nordic technique. 
And, here's another with a braid attached.  The little girls love these. 
This dog or cat sweater is to restock one recently sold in the shop...
...and to match is a cowl scarf so you and your pet can wear matching "outfits" when you go out for a walk.   I like cowl scarves for walking dogs, driving the car, carrying packages, etc., because the scarf won't slide off.  .Each item can be purchased separately.
 I made these extra large, double thick cotton red, white, and blue pot holders/hot pads to give as a gift.  I plan to make another set for the shop.  We use these at home and they are wonderful.
 And, to restock I made another set of lavender sparkle luggage identifiers...
 ...and a set of pink, too.
My Honey has been extremely busy in his wood workshop making spectacular items. 
These seam rippers are available in the shop.
He also made a number of pens for the shop, gifts, and ourselves.
We especially like this Gatsby style pen.

 He makes them in a variety of different hard woods.

Many of these are in the shop with detailed descriptions of the wood and hardware.
 And, just a few more.  :)
 This is something new!  This is a gold plated coffee scoop...
 ...and, another in chrome plate.  The turned wood handles are just gorgeous.  What a really nice gift!
 He made several salt and pepper shakers...
 ...and a yo yo for me.  I'm still pretty good at this!
 Finally for this month, he made this spectacular polished brass and turned Honduras Rosewood pair of candlesticks.  Wow!  I just LOVE these!

So, that's what's new this month.  Thanks so much to those of you who offer us such encouragement and share images and information about what you are making, too.  And, without question, thank you so much to those who shop in our little on line shop:

All the very best for wonderful holidays!
