Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween and From Russia With Love

Happy Halloween!

Our sweet treat this Halloween came from friends visiting from Russia.
And, with the chocolate came another beautiful gift, Russian Stacking Dolls. 

How very kind!

We hope you have a safe and fun Halloween!

All the best,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Needlework Update - October, 2014

Good morning,

It is that time for the Needlework Update for October.  Above is a custom order hot pink sweater that will go to live in Michigan.  This is such a happy, beautiful color!  The lady who ordered it is also a happy, beautiful person.
This light and airy shawl will also keep your shoulders warm.  The combination of textures of lavender yarn blend to make this a truly unique piece.
Here's another chemo cap for the shop.  I call this color grape soda. 
This cap features a band of soft textured yarn.  Lovely.
I had a fabulous time making these intarsia knit winter hats that are perfect for a man or a woman. 
Each hat is unique since I designed as I knitted.  I love grouping yarns that look terrific together, then making something new from them.  These Nordic inspired roll brim hats are one-size-fits-all and can be rolled up or down keep your ears and back of your neck warm.  How fun!  They will be available in the shop in December, or you can reserve one or both now leaving a comment.
The last two items for this month are wine or water bottle covers.  They adjust to fit a variety of bottle sizes and are gift wrap that won't be thrown away.
 If you're shopping for the yourself or for gifts, I hope you'll stop by our little shop, and see if we have just the right unique items you'd like to have delivered to your front door.

What is on your list to create for the holidays this year?

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.  ;) 

All the very best,

Hand Crafted Original and Traditional Designs
A Small Business in the USA

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Can you see me now? - Viera Wetlands

Good morning,

Some of the Viera residents work hard at hiding among the grass...
...and sometimes they do a very good job of it.
But, if you wait long enough and watch carefully enough, you can see them.
This sign is a reminder to those who don't see the critters right away.  ;)
Trust me,
 they are here!
 They are just waiting for lunch to pass by.  ;)

Stay clear!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More from Viera Wetlands

Good morning,

I'm going through pictures I took at Viera Wetlands that I haven't shared here yet.
We often get there more than once when we are in the area and each time there is something different to photograph.
We love having all the photo opportunities in different light at different times of the day, too.
This is such a beautiful, relaxing place.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Arrival - St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

Good morning,

This week one of our ports of call was St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.
I wasn't the only person on deck 12 of Freedom of the Seas to enjoy the beautiful scenery as we arrived.
Look carefully to see people watching from the helipad on the bow of the ship, also.
Here comes the pilot boat...
 ...who comes aboard to consult with the bridge team as the ship's Captain brings the ship into port.
 I've been coming to St. Thomas for at least 25 years.  There has been a tremendous increase in building on that hillside during that time.
 There are already ships in port.

 We will tie up to that extension of the dock.
 A sea plane...
 ...was taking off as we were pulling in.  There is always something different to see.

We had a lovely day in St. Thomas. 

All the best,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Late Afternoon at Sea

Good morning,

This is what greets us almost every morning and every evening, only with slight variations of color.

It's beautiful out here at sea.  :)


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Our Friend Allie Rae

Good morning,

Is our friend Allie Rae gorgeous, or what!!!!!!

She stopped over to our stateroom to show me her dress before going out on a formal night aboard Freedom of the Seas

You're beautiful, Allie Rae!


Friday, October 24, 2014

Jamaica - Late Afternoon

Good morning,

I took these images of the beautiful sky over Jamaica from our stateroom aboard Freedom of the Seas.
Mother Nature provides some spectacular views!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Labadee, Haiti

Good morning,

Here are a couple more images of Labadee, Haiti, a private port of call of Freedom of the Seas.

Above you can see some of the beach area as well as docks where tours originate.  If you look very carefully in the center at the top of the hill, you can see the supports for the zip line that travels down the hill to the beach on the opposite side of the island.  Beautiful!
Above is an image I zoomed to get the detail of the structures where weddings are held.  What a beautiful backdrop for a wedding!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Helicopter Medical Evacuation from Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Today's images are of another helicopter medical evacuation from Labadee, a port of call of Freedom of the Seas.
Since the ship is tied up, the helicopter landed on the dock walkway to the island.
The ship's fire teams were at the ready should there be any problem near the ship.

The ship has a helipad on the bow, but since we are tied up, it is safer for the helicopter to land on the dock walkway.
Taking off....

 The patient is on the way to a hospital for more intensive care than can be provided on the ship.
 It's wonderful that we can enjoy travel, yet still be able to access medical care as necessary.

All the best,