Friday, November 30, 2012

Coco Cay Shopping and Tender Ride to Ship

Good morning,

The last thing we did on the island of Coco Cay, Bahamas, was talk through the shopping area where locals have every kind of t-shirt or souvenir you could imagine on an island - and probably a few you haven't imagined. ;)  We didn't buy anything this time so headed back to the ship.
Back aboard the tender there were others ready to go back to the air conditioned ship. 
There she is!
Soon we pulled up along side so we could go ashore.  You can see another tender boat alongside Freedom.

It was a fun day ashore!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Iguanas on Coco Cay, Bahamas

Good morning,

On the private island of Coco Cay, Bahamas, you'll find Iguana Cove where these handsome characters live.
We have surely seen some of their relatives in sci-fi movies.  ;)
This bridge across the cove takes us to an iguana photographer's wonderland.
The proud residents pose for us...
 ...while the tenders between our ship and the island come and go.
 "This is my better side."
 "I'm catching some rays.  I prefer only partial sun to maintain my complexion."
 There are other visitors to the cove, too, but the iguanas have definitely staked their claim to the property.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Flippers and Goggles

Good morning,

Flippers and goggles are available for rent on Coco Cay, Bahamas, the private island destination of Royal Caribbean cruise ships. 
This is the return counter where they make a pretty pattern of color.

The items are cleaned, then moved to another spot where they are available for use again.

Ah, yes, so nice to think of warm places when it is getting cold at home.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stairway Art - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Here are two of the pieces of art that are in the stairways aboard Freedom of the Seas.
There is art everywhere here on board.  I will try again this time on board to get pictures of as much as I can to share here.

This is such fun!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting My Feet Wet - Coco Cay, Bahamas

Good morning,

Here are a few more pictures from the beach.  *sigh*
So much sunshine!
I took off my shoes and headed for the water.
Of course, I still had my camera in hand. ;)

 The ship's photographer was also in the water with a camera.
 This is so sweet!
 The ship's photographer thought so, too.
 Beautiful!  And the water and sand felt wonderful.
 Back up on the beach the supplies were being brought in for a picnic lunch.
 The birds are pretty smart and will grab your lunch. 


Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Day at the Beach - Coco Cay, Bahamas

Good morning,

Today's images are from our trip ashore to Coco Cay, Bahamas.  This is one of Royal Caribbean's private islands.  It is gorgeous!

Above is one of the tenders that carries guests between ship and shore.
At the entrance to the harbor is a fountain that is a copy of The Mermaid in Copenhagen, Denmark.
If you haven't brought your own snorkel gear, you can rent it here.
You can play water sports, snorkel, just sit on the beach, play beach games, go para sailing, ride jet skis, have a great lunch....
There is a nurse's station (right) in case it is needed.
You can also buy a cool drink. 
I just like to sit on a beach chair.
This is my view in my favorite spot.  ;)
 I also took a walk to get some pictures of the beach.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tender to Coco Cay, Bahamas

Good morning,

Today's images are of the tender ride between Freedom of the Seas and Royal Caribbean's private island, Coco Cay, Bahamas.

The port is too small to have a dock where the ship can tie up, so guests are tendered back and forth on small boats.
Here we're pulling away from the ship.  That's one of the security guards up there waving to us on board the tender boat.
That's another tender boat similar to the one where I am taking these pictures.  There are two tender stations to move guests quickly back and forth to the island where there will be a yummy picnic lunch served.

 This is a perfect change to get some great "ship shots!"


More images of the day at the beach to come.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Orlando Airport - Cell Phone Lot

Good morning,

I was just looking through my pictures from when I went over to Orlando, Florida, from Port Canaveral to pick up my daughter and Aunt Carol the last time we were here on board Freedom of the Seas.

I'm sharing these because I want to share how easy it is to drive from Port Canaveral, get to the airport, pick someone up, and get back to the port. 
It's about a 45 minute drive between the Orlando Airport and Port Canaveral.  You can pull into the cell phone lot and wait for the person flying into Orlando to call to tell you their plane has landed.  Then you pull up to the terminal, pick up your passenger, and off you go back to the port.

Easy Peasy!

Parking at the port is extremely easy, too.

All the best,